Meet Jenice L. Malecki - Transcript
One of the most rewarding areas of my practice is how I’m able to help people. And let me let me explain something about myself: I love puzzles, I love escape rooms, I love a challenge. And so for me every time I get a case I’m somewhat obsessive about finding the hook for that case that will help us to win.
I can tell you that I have many many cards in my offices which mean a lot to me. Where clients have been so happy and thankful for help that I’ve been able to give them through a very difficult situation, and that means a lot to me uh it’s not just the card, it means that I’ve done something with purpose and something important in someone’s lives and hopefully they’ll remember me kindly.
It’s interesting what it takes to be a successful securities lawyer. I recently interviewed candidates for another position in my office and I had a lot of young eager budding lawyers all would be excellent. Come through my office but I said to each of them the securities industry is a rough and tumble place, you are typically dealing with major financial institutions that are extremely well-funded. We are battling the largest law firms in the country on a regular basis, we’re dealing with monster regulators: the SEC you know the CFTC. Regulators that have a lot of power even state securities regulators that you’d be surprised how much power and how much damage they can do to a person. And so you have to love it, and you have to be willing to work very very hard because it’s not an easy area of practice, but it’s a really rewarding and interesting area of practice. A lot of it involves lying, cheating and stealing and so. It’s really interesting and you have to have the strength to do it um so that’s what I that’s what I think makes a successful securities litigator.